Jura Capresso IMPRESSA E50 User Manual

Instructions for use  
Fig. 1  
Fig. 4  
Fig. 7  
Fig. 2  
Fig. 5  
Fig. 8  
Fig. 3  
Fig. 6  
Fig. 9  
Instructions for use Jura Impressa E50/E55  
1. Water volume selector switch  
2. Selector button for pre-ground coffee powder  
3. Coffee button 2 cups  
4. Rinsing button  
5. Coffee button 1 cup  
6. ON/OFF switch  
7. Display with warning lamps  
8. Water tank with carrying handle  
9. Height-adjustable coffee-spout  
10. Filler funnel for pre-ground coffee  
11. Cover for bean container  
12. Selector switch for coffee or hot-water/steam  
13. Pivoting nozzle for hot-water/steam  
14. Frothing nozzle  
15. Container for coffee grounds  
16. Drip tray cover  
17. Drip tray  
Jura Impressa E50/E55  
1. Description ..................................................page  
1.1 Meaning of symbols in the display.............page  
2. Safety instructions........................................page  
2.1 Warnings ..............................................page  
2.2 Safety precautions..................................page  
3. Check before use..........................................page  
3.1 Checking mains voltage...........................page  
3.2 Checking fuse........................................page  
3.3 Filling water tank ...................................page  
3.4 Adding coffee beans ...............................page  
3.5 Adjusting grinder ...................................page  
3.6 Adjusting for water hardness....................page  
3.7 Adjustable automatic close-down ..............page  
4. Preparing machine........................................page  
4.1 Filling the system with water ...................page  
5. Rinsing the machine......................................page  
6. Adjusting water volume .................................page  
9. Drawing off hot-water ...................................page 11  
10. Switching off machine...................................page 11  
11. Care and maintenance ...................................page 11  
11.1 Fill water .............................................page 11  
11.2 Empty ground container .........................page 11  
11.3 Drip tray is missing................................page 11  
11.4 Clean machine ......................................page 11  
11.5 Machine furred .....................................page 12  
11.6 Use of Claris filter cartridges ..................page 12  
11.7 General cleaning instructions...................page 12  
11.8 Regular servicing...................................page 12  
11.9 Empty system.......................................page 12  
12. Cleaning......................................................page 12  
13. Decalcifying.................................................page 13  
14. Disposal ......................................................page 14  
15. Tips of a perfect coffee .................................page 14  
16. Messages.....................................................page 15  
17. Problems.....................................................page 17  
18. Legal information .........................................page 17  
19. Technical specifications .................................page 17  
7. Drawing off espresso/normal coffee .................page 10  
7.1 Drawing off espresso/strong coffee............page 10  
7.2 Drawing off espresso/extra-strong coffee....page 10  
7.3 Using pre-ground powder coffee ...............page 10  
8. Using steam.................................................page 10  
8.1 Resetting to stand-by status.....................page 11  
1. Meaning of symbols in the display  
Important information for the user  
Thank you for choosing this Jura product.  
Please study these instructions carefully before using your new  
machine and keep them in a safe place for easy reference in the  
Should you require further information or should particular pro-  
blems occur that are not dealt with in these operating instructions  
in sufficient detail for you, then please ask you local dealer for the  
information you require or contact us directly.  
1. Description  
This fully-automatic espresso/coffee machine impresses because of  
its compactness and can prepare 1 or 2 cups of excellent, profes-  
sional-quality espresso/coffee with guaranteed froth at the same  
time. The unique Jura Pre Brew Aroma System/P.B.A.S© ensures a  
full coffee aroma. The machine functions fully automatically at the  
press of a button. You have the choice of normal, strong or extra-  
strong coffee aroma, to suit your personal preference. The integra-  
ted grinder grinds beans to precisely the fineness you require. A  
separate filler funnel also enables you to use an additional sort of  
pre-ground coffee. The water volume is individually adjustable.  
Electronic monitoring of levels in the water tank and the grounds  
container simplify operations. The integrated rinsing, cleaning and  
decalcifying programs facilitate care and maintenance.  
2. Safety instructions  
2.1 Warnings  
Children are unaware of the dangers that electrical machines  
represent. Therefore children should never be left alone with  
electrical machines unsupervised.  
This machine should only be used by people who have read and  
understood the operating instructions.  
3.2 Checking fuse  
Never use a faulty machine or one with a damaged power cable.  
Never immerse the machine in water.  
The machine is designed for a current of 10 amps. Check that an  
appropriate fuse is fitted.  
2.2 Safety precautions  
3.3 Filling water tank  
Never expose the machine to the effects of rain, snow or frost  
Remove water tank and rinse well with cold clean tap water.  
and never operate it with wet hands.  
Fill the tank and replace it in the machine. Ensure that the tank  
clicks correctly into place (Fig. 1).  
Place your espresso/coffee machine on a solid level surface.  
Never leave it on a surface that is warm or hot (hob etc.).  
Choose a location that is inaccessible for children or pets.  
Note: Use only clean cold water. Never fill the tank with  
milk, mineral water or any other liquid. You can also top the  
tank up with water without removing it from the machine.  
Simply pull up cover and pour water into the tank from  
above. Put cover back in its original position.  
Remove plug from power socket if an absence for a longer  
period of time (holidays etc.) is planned.  
Always remove plug from power socket before cleaning.  
When removing plug from power socket, never tug on the cord  
or on the machine itself.  
Never repair or open the machine yourself. All repairs should be  
performed only by authorised service centres using original Jura  
spare parts and accessories.  
3.4 Adding coffee beans  
Lift up cover of the bean container (11).  
Clean out any dirt or alien elements from the bean container.  
Fill the grinder container with coffee beans and close the cover.  
The machine is connected to the mains power socket via an  
electric cable. Ensure that no one trips over this cable and  
pulls down the machine. Keep children and animals away.  
3.5 Adjusting grinder  
Never put the machine or even parts of it in the dishwasher.  
To prevent overheating put the machine in an airy place.  
You can adjust the grinder to the roast of your coffee. We recom-  
mend the following:  
If you are using an acid-based descaling agent, it is important to  
avoid any splashed or drips on sensitive kitchen surfaces, parti-  
cularly those in natural stone or wood. If they do occur, they  
should be removed immediately.  
for a light roasting  
for a dark roasting  
a finer adjustment  
a coarser adjustment  
Open the cover of the bean container (11).  
To adjust grinding turn selector switch (Fig. 2) to the wanted  
3. Check before use  
3.1 Checking mains voltage  
The machine is set for the correct voltage before leaving our fac-  
tory. Ensure that your mains voltage corresponds to the details quo-  
ted on the rating plate attached to the bottom of the machine.  
You have the following possibilities to adjust the grade of grinding  
the smaller the dots, the finer the grinding  
the bigger the dots, the coarser the grinding  
Level 2  
German water hardness 8° – 15°  
French water hardness 14.32° – 26.85°  
Important: The grinding grade should only be adjusted while  
the grinder is working.  
3.6 Adjusting for water hardness  
The water is heated inside the machine. With use, this leads to  
calcium deposits (furring) forming on the machine. This is automa-  
tically indicated in the display. For this reason, it is necessary to  
adjust the machine to the hardness of your local water before you  
use it for the first time. Use the enclosed test-sticks for this purpose.  
Level 3  
German water hardness 16° – 23°  
French water hardness 28.64° – 41.14°  
Note: 1° water hardness on the German scale represents  
1.79° on the French scale.  
Level 4  
The machine has got 5 hardness settings to choose from. The  
chosen grade is shown on the display.  
German water hardness 24° – 30°  
French water hardness 42.96° – 53.7°  
= flashes  
The machine is adjusted to Level 3 before it leaves the factory.  
You can alter this setting by simply following the instructions  
= lights up  
Pull the mains lead with its plug out from the cable box at the  
rear of the machine.  
Level 0 = Setting for Claris filter  
cartridges Display  
Put the mains plug into the wall socket.  
The display for automatic  
decalcifying is switched off.  
Leave the machine switched off.  
Press the button  
for about 3 seconds. Now warning lamp  
(Level 3) flashes.  
Choose the required setting by pressing button  
and press  
button to store in memory. The warning lamps go out.  
Level 1  
German water hardness 1° – 7°  
French water hardness 1.79° – 12.53°  
4. Preparing machine  
Note: It is only necessary to adjust the water hardness  
before the machine is used for the first time or when a diffe-  
rent quality of water is used.  
4.1 Filling the system with water  
If no water hardness level is changed within 30 seconds, the  
display goes out and the last value programmed remains  
Press button  
to switch on the machine.  
lamps flash.  
Place an empty cup under the pivoting nozzle (13).  
Turn selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) to position  
3.7 Adjustable automatic close-down  
Now the machine gives off water. Warning lamps  
flash. The water flow is stopped automatically.  
You can adjust the automatic close-down of 2 hours set by Jura to  
your own requirements. The machine provides 3 different levels:  
Turn back selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) to position  
1st Level  
Warning lamp  
5. Rinsing the machine  
The automatic close-down is not activated.  
If warning lamp  
Place an empty cup under the coffee-spout.  
Press button. The rinsing is stopped automatically.  
flashes, the machine needs rinsing.  
2nd Level  
Warning lamp  
flashes, warning lamps  
light up.  
Automatic close-down is set to 2 hours.  
Note: If the machine has been switched off and has already  
3rd Level  
Warning lamp  
light up.  
cooled down it will be necessary to carry out this rinsing  
function when the machine is switched on again. After  
switching off the machine, the rinsing sets off automatically.  
flashes, warning lamps  
Automatic close-down is set to 5 hours.  
To set or alter the automatic close-down follow the instructions  
6. Adjusting water volume  
Water volume is infinitely adjustable by means of the selector  
switch (1). The small cup means a small volume of water for  
espresso, the big cup means a larger volume of water for coffee. ll  
cup means a small volume of water for espresso, the big cup  
means a larger volume of water for coffee.  
Put the mains plug into the wall socket.  
Leave the machine switched off.  
Press button  
setting by pressing button  
Push button to store level in memory  
for about 3 seconds and choose the required  
Tip: You can also change the water volume while coffee is  
being drawn off. Simply turn the selector switch (1) to give  
more or less water.  
Note: If no change to the setting level is made within 30  
seconds, the warning lamps go out and the last level stored  
remains effective.  
Note: If you press button  
doubles the amount of water and divides it between two cups.  
the machine automatically  
7. Drawing off espresso/normal coffee  
Place 1 or 2 cups under coffee-spout and press the coffee button  
Switch on the machine by pressing button. The machine is ready as  
soon as the warning lamp  
lights up.  
Important: Never use soluble instant coffee or quick coffee.  
Only use coffee powder from freshly ground beans or pre-  
ground vacuum-packed coffee. Never fill the funnel with  
more than 1 or 2 portions at a time. The powder funnel  
is not intended as a storage container.  
Place 1 or 2 cups under the coffee-spout and press the appro-  
priate button. The pre-brew function (P.B.A.S©) moistens the  
coffee powder, briefly interrupts the flow and then the real  
brewing process begins.  
Note: If button  
rected by pressing button  
is pressed by mistake, this can be cor-  
. The machine rinses.  
Note: You can interrupt the flow of coffee at any time by  
simply pressing any one of the coffee buttons.  
Tip: We recommend a regular cleaning of the funnel with a  
bottle-brush after drawing off powder coffee.  
Tip: Adjust the coffee-spout height to the size of your cups  
to obtain a perfect head of froth (Fig. 3).  
8. Using steam  
7.1 Drawing off espresso/strong coffee  
Steam can be used for heating up liquids as well as for frothing up  
milk for cappuccinos. To heat up liquids remember to push the  
frothing nozzle (14) up. For frothing up liquids push the nozzle  
down (Fig. 5).  
Place 1 cup under coffee-spout (9) and press the required  
button until the warning lamp  
lights up. Warning lamp  
Note: You can only draw off 1 cup of strong coffee at a  
Put a cup under the pivoting nozzle (13).  
Immerse the frothing nozzle (14) into the milk you want to froth  
or into the liquid you want to heat up. Turn selector switch for  
7.2 Drawing off espresso/extra-strong coffee  
coffee or hot-water/steam (12) to position  
(Fig. 5).  
To stop steam-function turn selector switch for coffee or hot-  
Place 1 cup under coffee-spout (9).  
water/steam (12) back to position  
Warning lamps  
Press the required button until warning lamps,  
Note: You can only draw off 1 cup of extra-strong coffee at  
a time.  
If you would like to draw off coffee right after drawing off  
steam, proceed as described in chapter 8.1.  
7.3 Using pre-ground powder coffee  
Note: The max. drawing off time for steam is about 8 minu-  
tes. Due to the start frothing. This water should be drawn off  
before drawing off steam. However the perfect result (e.g. of  
frothing milk) is not influenced.  
button.Warning lamps  
light up.  
Now put 1 or 2 level measuring spoons of pre-ground coffee  
(Fig. 4) into the powder funnel (10).  
11. Care and maintenance  
11.1 Fill water  
Important: When steam is first drawn off, there is a possibi-  
lity of spattering. The pivoting nozzle becomes hot. Avoid  
direct contact with the skin.  
When warning lamp  
Top up water as described in chapter 3.3.  
lights up no more coffee can be drawn off.  
8.1 Resetting to stand-by status  
Place a container under the pivoting nozzle (13).  
11.2 Empty grounds container  
Turn selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) to position  
Push button and draw off water until water-flow is automa-  
tically stopped. Warning lamps flash.  
Then turn back selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) to posi-  
Coffee grounds are collected in the grounds container. When  
warning lamp  
lights up, all coffee buttons are blocked and you  
must empty the grounds container.  
Push up coffee-spout (9).  
Remove drip tray. Do this carefully as there is water in it.  
Tip: Whenever you have finished drawing off steam clean  
the pivoting nozzle with a damp cloth.  
Remove and clean drip tray (Fig. 6) and grounds container. First  
replace grounds container and then drip tray (Fig. 7).  
9. Drawing off hot-water  
Important: Whenever grounds container is emptied, empty  
drip tray too.  
Place a cup under the pivoting nozzle (13) and turn selector  
switch for hot-water/steam (12) to the symbol  
Press button . The machine will now deliver hot-water.  
To stop this process turn back selector switch for hot-water/  
steam (12) to the sympol  
11.3 Drip tray is missing  
If the drip tray is not replaced correctly, warning lamp  
Note: When the drip tray is outside the machine you can take  
the opportunity to clean the inside of the machine. Wipe off  
any of coffee powder with a damp cloth. Then replace clean  
drip tray.  
Important: When hot-water and steam are first drawn off,  
there is a possibility of spattering. The pivoting nozzle beco-  
mes hot. Avoid direct contact with the skin.  
11.4 Clean machine  
10. Switching off machine  
After coffee etc. has been drawn off 200 times or 160 rinse  
programs have been run, the machine must be cleaned. Warning  
When the machine is switched off, the rinsing program is auto-  
matically run again. Place an empty cup under the coffee-spout and  
press button. When the rinsing water has run into the cup, the  
machine powers down. Discard the water.  
will remind you. You can still draw off coffee and hot-  
water/steam. However we recommend that you clean the machine  
(as described in chapter 12) within the next few days. Warning  
does not go out until the complete cleaning process has  
been carried out.  
11.5 Machine furred  
11.8 Regular servicing  
Your machine will become furred in the course of normal use. The  
amount of furring depends on the hardness of your water. The ma-  
chine registers when descalcifying becomes necessary and signals  
this via warning lamp . You can still draw off coffee and hot-wa-  
ter/ steam. However we recommend that you decalcify the machine  
(as described in chapter 13) within the next few days. Warning  
lamp does not go out until the complete decalcifying process has  
been carried out.  
Regular Jura services ensure your machine’s reliability and longer  
life. Keep the original packaging to protect the machine when it is  
11.9 Empty system  
Important: This process is necessary to protect the machine  
from frost damages while being transported.  
Press button  
to switch off the machine.  
11.6 Use of Claris filter cartridges  
Place a container under the pivoting nozzle (13)  
At the correct use of Claris filter cartridges, decalcifying of the  
machine becomes unnecessary. For further information, please read  
the instructions for use attached to the water tank.  
Turn selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) to position  
Press button  
to switch on the machine. Warning lamps  
until only warning lamp  
Note: Furring display must be switched off (as described in  
chapter 3.6) before using Claris filter cartridges.  
Press button  
comes out after a short time.  
flashes. Steam  
Draw off steam until it stops automatically.  
11.7 General cleaning instructions  
Turn selector button for hot-water/steam (12) back to position  
Never use sharp or abrasive articles or corrosive chemicals to  
clean your machine.  
12. Cleaning  
Wipe down the casing inside and out using a soft damp cloth.  
Clean the pivoting hot-water/steam nozzle every time it is used.  
The machine has an integrated cleaning program.  
After warming milk, draw off a little hot-water to clean the  
pivoting nozzle inside.  
Note: Whenever the machine needs cleaning, warning lamp  
lights up. You can still draw off coffee and hot-water/  
steam and run the cleaning program later.  
Only use Jura cleaning tablets. These are available from your  
Jura dealer.  
You can take off the pivoting nozzle for a thorough cleaning  
(Fig. 8).  
The water tank should be rinsed out and filled with clean water  
Important: It is essential not to interrupt the process once it  
has been started.  
Note: If you notice any furring in the water tank, this can be  
descalcified separately with a customary decalcifying pro-  
duct. Remove the tank from the machine in order to do this.  
Tip: Clean powder funnel with a bottle-brush.  
Switch on machine by pressing  
Push button  
(if necessary)  
for about 3 seconds. Warning lamps  
light up.  
13. Decalcifying  
Fill water tank.  
Your machine has an integrated decalcifying program. If a Claris fil-  
ter cartridge is used there is no need for decalcifying your machine.  
Please use Jura decalcifying tablets only. These are available from  
your Jura dealer  
Empty drip tray and grounds container and replace them. War-  
ning lamps (if necessary) go out.  
Place a container under the coffee-spout (9).  
Put a Jura cleaning tablet (Fig. 9) into the powder funnel (10).  
Press selector button  
. The warning lamp  
goes out.  
Note: If the machine needs decalcifying warning lamp  
lights up. You can still draw off coffee and hot-water/steam  
and run the decalcifying program later.  
Warning lamp  
The flashing of warning lamp  
process is activated.  
indicates that the cleaning  
Important: Run the decalcifying program only after the ma-  
chine has been switched off for at least 2 hours and has  
cooled down completely. The decalcifying program is started  
with the machine switched off. The running decalcifying  
program must not be interrupted.  
If warning lamp  
lights up, empty drip tray (if necessary),  
wait about 10 seconds before replacing it. Warning lamp  
goes out.  
Replace the container under the coffee-spout (9) and press button  
Switch off machine by pressing button  
cool down for 2 hours.  
and let the machine  
Then remove water tank.  
The cleaning process is continued.  
Press button  
for about 3 seconds. Warning lamps  
If warning lamp  
lights up again, empty drip tray (if neces-  
light up.  
sary), wait about 10 seconds before replacing it. Warning lamp  
goes out.  
Pour 0,5 litres of water into a container and completely dissolve  
the contents of a blister pack (2 tablets). Then fill the mixture in-  
to the water tank.  
Replace the container under the coffee-spout (9) and press button  
Empty drip tray and replace it. Warning lamps  
flash and warning lamp lights up.  
The cleaning process is continued. At the end of it, warning lamp  
lights up.  
Place a sufficiently big container under the pivoting nozzle (13).  
Turn selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) to position  
Empty drip tray and grounds container and replace them.  
Warning lamp  
Replace container under the coffee spout (9) and press button  
. The machine rinses and warning lamp lights up.  
lights up.  
The decalcifying program is continued and the decalcifying soluti-  
on is channelled inside the machine to the drip tray.  
The flashing of warning lamp  
program is activated.  
indicates that the decalcifying  
Warning lamp  
flashes, warning lamps  
light up.  
If warning lamp  
Warning lamps  
lights up.  
lights up, empty drip tray (if necessary).  
flash and warning lamp  
Empty drip tray and replace it.  
Then press button  
draw off coffee.  
. Your machine rinses and is ready to  
Turn selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) back to position  
14. Disposal  
The decalcifying program is continued and the decalcifying soluti-  
on is channelled inside the machine to the drip tray.  
For correct disposal, you should return your coffee machine to your  
dealer, Jura service centre or Jura Elektroapparate AG.  
Warning lamp  
flashes and warning lamps  
, light  
15. Tips for a perfect coffee  
Important: Fill water tank with fresh water and replace it.  
Empty drip tray (if necessary) and replace it. Warning lamps  
flash and warning lamp lights up.  
Put a sufficiently big container under the pivoting nozzle (13).  
Turn selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) to position  
Warning lamps flash.  
Height adjustable coffee-spout  
You can adjust the height of the coffee-spout to your cup sizes.  
Please see chapter 3.5.  
Pre-warm cups  
The decalcifying program is continued.  
You should warm cups in advance with hot water or steam. The  
smaller the quantity of coffee, the more important warming the  
cups is.  
Warning lamp  
Empty drip tray (if necessary) and replace it. Warning lamps  
flash and warning lamp lights up.  
Turn selector switch for hot-water/steam (12) back to position  
. Warning lamps flash.  
flashes and warning lamps  
light up.  
Sugar an cream  
Warmth is lost by stirring the contents of the cup. Adding milk or  
cream from the refrigerator considerably lowers the temperature of  
the coffee.  
16. Messages  
System empty  
Fill the system (see chapter 4.1)  
Re-set to coffee ready  
Re-set to correct position  
System too hot after drawing off steam  
Selector switch in wrong position  
General troubles  
1. – Switch off  
– Disconnect from mains power  
– Connect machine to mains power  
– Switch on machine  
2. Have the machine checked at a Jura service centre  
Rinsing the machine  
Machine needs rinsing  
Water tank empty  
Float faulty  
Fill water tank  
Rinse out tank, descalcify tank if necessary  
Grounds container full  
Empty grounds  
Drawer replaced too early  
Wait at least 10 seconds and replace drawer  
Drip tray not inserted properly or missing  
Replace correctly  
Cleaning necessary  
Run cleaning program  
Decalcifying necessary  
Run decalcifying program  
17. Problems  
Coffee flow is stopped after  
– Beans container is empty  
– Not enough coffee powder  
– Fill in beans  
– Measure powder correctly  
Grinder is extremely noisy  
– Alien element in grinder  
– Drawing off powder coffee is still possible  
– Have the machine checked at a Jura service centre  
Not enough froth  
– Unsuitable milk-type  
– Use full cream milk  
– Frothing nozzle blocked  
– Frothing nozzle in wrong  
– Clean frothing nozzle  
– Drawing off steam (see chapter 8)  
If none of the remedies listed above help, please contact your dealer or get in touch with Jura Elektroapparate AG.  
18. Legal information  
19. Technical specifications  
These operating instructions contain all the information necessary  
for the correct use, operation and maintenance of your espresso/  
coffee machine.  
230 V AC  
1350 W  
10 A  
Power consumption:  
Volume of water tank: 1,9 litre  
Weight: 8,3 kg  
Understanding and complying with the directions contained in  
these operating instructions are essential to ensure that the machi-  
ne is utilised without risk and to ensure safety during operation and  
These operating instructions cannot cover all the possible ways in  
which this machine may be used. This machine has been designed  
for private use in households.  
Dimensions (WxHxD): 28 x 34,5 x 41,5 cm  
Safety standards:  
We would further point out that the contents of these operating in-  
structions in no way constitute a part of, or alter, any previous or  
existing contract, agreement or legal relationship. All obligations  
on the part of Jura Elektroapparate AG result solely from the rele-  
vant sales agreement which also contains full details of the only  
warranty terms valid in respect of this machine. The contractual  
terms of this warranty are neither extended not limited in any form  
by the information in these operating instructions.  
These operating instructions contain information that is protected  
by copyright. The photocopying or translation into any other lan-  
guage of these instructions without prior written authorisation from  
Jura Elektroapparate AG is strictly prohibited.  

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